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Especialistas en Islandia
Patrón barco de Mundo Artico - Groenlandia
He is 55 years old and although he works at the Kulusuk airport he enjoys sailing boats and dogsled with tourists in East Greenland more than ever.
Like the other local people, he was born and raised in Kulusuk. When he was a child, he didn´t know a thing about internet or what was happening outside his own world, so did the rest local people. In his generation, a change has been made, a lot of change in society. He lived the old Greenlandic traditional way, then the way of living was slowly transformed into the European system which we know and call for easier life, because of the technology and ability to connect to the rest of the world.
35 years ago, he began to sail with one-day tourists from Iceland. Icelandic company needed local people to sail with the tourists. From that time, he slowly started to communicate with tourist first with sign language and then he learned to communicate in English without formal education.
He travelled in Denmark, Iceland as well in Spain for working reasons and holidays. But sailing, fishing and hunting in his homeland is his favorite of all.